Monday, May 14, 2007

non turbetur cor vestrum

from Sunday's Gospel reading, John 14:27 -

Peace I leave with you: my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, do I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled: nor let it be afraid.

So, where is this "peace" that Jesus speaks of? It's not obvious on CNN. Here are some headlines:

  • U.S. soldier killed in attack on convoy in Pakistan
  • Terror group says it took U.S. soldiers
  • Iran warns U.S. over strike threat
  • NATO: Taliban leader dead
  • Russian cafe blast turns deadly
  • Gunmen snatch oil worker en route to work
  • Old man beaten as people watch, tape show
  • 'Paris should go to jail,' family friend says
I could go on, but I think that you get it by now. So, to paraphrase that '80s Wendy's commercial: "Where's the Peace?"

The peace is internal. The peace is that my heart is not troubled by the above headlines. And though I may sympathize with the victims of tragedy, my trust in God is not shaken by the presence of Evil in the world. Though many are consumed by hatred, I do not doubt the Love of God. Despite the disasters, I have hope that Christ will prevail. It is a peace that only Christ can bring. The world can only offer an occasional cease-fire.

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