if you know the man, then you get the joke.
" Contact with the visible manifestations of God's love can awaken within us a feeling of joy born of the experience of being loved. But this encounter also engages our will and our intellect. Acknowledgment of the living God is one path towards love, and the “yes” of our will to his will unites our intellect, will and sentiments in the all- embracing act of love." - Pope Benedict XVI "Deus Caritas Est"
Sure, it's Phil Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass, Glass . . . (ad nauseum)
St. Jimbob: We have a winner... (drumroll), what do we have for our winner, Fabian?
Fabian: Digi will be waking in the morning with her new Shaking Off Sleep Digital Alarm Clock! Never worry about oversleeping the Rapture, with an alarm tone of seven trumpets and loud proclamation of "factum est regnum huius mundi Domini nostri et Christi eius et regnabit in saecula saeculorum".
St. Jimbob: Thanks, Fabian, and thank you, Digi, for playing our game. Tune in next week, when St. Jimbob asks retired bishop Tommie Gumbleton what "ego quos amo arguo et castigo aemulare ergo et paenitentiam age" means.
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