Last weekend, my wife and I got our marriage blessed by the Church. After a year without the Sacraments, it's good to be in communion once again with Christ's Church.
Seven years ago, my wife and I got married outside the Church. There was reluctance to get married in the Church, as my wife's a lapsed Baptist, and her family has issues with the Church. To salve my own conscience, I sought out a 'catholic' priest to do the ceremony. At that point in time, I was not particularly concerned with issues of licity and validity in regards to Holy Orders and the Sacraments.
Soon, Son #1 was on his way, so I started going to Mass again, taking my wife along. Our child had come, and we eventually had him baptised in the Church. I started getting more and more involved in the Church. Then our girls came, 10 weeks early, and had them baptised right away.
All the while, I had this nagging doubt about the validity of our marriage, and eventually decided to take the matter to my confessor. A year later, here we are. What a merry hunt, trying to find your original parish where you were baptised, getting a note from a different parish, confirming that you've been confirmed, and trying to get marriage prep started betwixt two holiday seasons in a small parish. Maybe more on all that later..
This is kind of strange. About five or ten minutes ago I was thinking about when our marriage was blessed by the Church. Then I came here. Kind of strange.
I am new to your blog and I enjoy it. Thanks.
I am glad to hear it. My your marriage be ever more blessed, and may you and your wife grow in happiness and holiness in the years to come
Congrats St. Jim Bob;
My wife and I had our marriage convalidated before we received the Eucharist together for the first time 2 years ago!(on returning to the Church) It has been a great blessing and I do believe you and your family will benefit from the supernatural grace imparted through the con validation process.
It's not just a formality on paper, but a spiritual transaction as well, as we submit to Christ and the authority of His Church.
God bless you !
Congratulations! I salute you both, I congratulate you, and I rejoice with you!
What a beautiful family you have, Jim-Bob...
Handsome family, Jimbob. You must be proud!
Congrats there St. Jimbob! What a wonderful thignt oread about!
You got a great looking family.
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