Saturday, September 08, 2007


Comparing vocational gravity between two diocese. One, you'll likely guess quickly, as for the other, that may be fairly obvious as well.

Diocese ADiocese B
Catholic Population: 4,349,267Catholic Population: 89,412
Seminarians from the Diocese: 50
Seminarians from Other Dioceses: 85
Diocesan Students in Other Seminaries: 18
Seminarians from the Diocese: 28
Seminarians from Other Dioceses: 7
Diocesan Students in Other Seminaries: 15
Local Seminarian to Catholic Ratio: 1 : 63,959 Local Seminarian to Catholic Ratio: 1 : 2,079

So, does this mean that a catholic in Diocese B is 30 times more likely to find a vocation to the priesthood or diaconate? To quote Bugs Bunny, "Ehhh, Could be."

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