Saturday, September 02, 2006

On the Deutero-Canonical Scriptures:

Crossed the Tiber has a great article on the deutero-canonical scriptures, known (or unknown as the case is) to protestants everywhere as the Apocrypha:
Despite the fact that these books were part of the original canon up until the Reformation, they have in the past 600 years acquired a mysterious and questionable status in non-Catholic circles. I was recently asked why Catholics added 7 books to the Bible. The underlying assumption from the inquirer is that we "added" these books to justify our "unscriptural" doctrines and beliefs. My gentle response was to go back and look at the first Bible ever printed 70 years before the reformation, and before the Council of Trent. You will find the Gutenberg Bible contained all the books that Catholics supposedly added after the reformation to combat the reformation doctrines. Therefore, these books were always part of the original canon of Scripture from the fourth century when the Scriptures were first compiled, and it was the first reformer, Dr. Luther, who removed the books.

Read the rest there. As always, the faith and fervor of converts to the Church continually amazes me.

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