Sunday, April 23, 2006

Into the Desert

I'm heading to Las Vegas, armed with my Dell laptop, Mother Teresa- In My Own Words, and my Revised Standard Version. No golf clubs, the astute of you will notice, because, in Vegas, it will cost ten times what I normally pay to shank, top, and chunk the ball for a couple hours.

The Lincoln Symphony Orchestra played Belshazzar's Feast last night, with Jubilant Sykes providing the baritone solo. Belshazzar's Feast is a orchestra/choral work by William Walton that was themed on scripture exerpts from Psalms 137, Daniel, and Revelation. One line struck me in particular, from Daniel 5:3:

Then they brought the gold vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God which was in Jerusalem; and the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines drank from them.

It got me thinking and I formulated an analogy, of what validity I will let you decide. The gold vessels are the Children of God, and the powers of the World seek to deny God, and exalt themselves, by filling these vessels with the wine of corruption. Doesn't the World want you to sin? The TV is full of encouragement to lust, avarice, and despair. Our politicians speak of encouraging virtue, but in the spirit of 'Freedom" enable those who hate virtue.

Incomplete thoughts, and I still need to pack a bit. More later, from Sin City.

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